A Sad Goodbye

IMG_3117Friday we said goodbye to our sweet girl, Sally.  Sally’s health had been declining over the past year or so.  We don’t know how old she was, she was an adult dog when Kim found her 15 years ago.  She was on a special renal diet due to her declining kidney function.  Although hard for her physically, we had decided to bring her with us on the boat, as it would have broken her heart to be separated from Kim and the rest of her family.  Over the last week or so we could tell she wasn’t feeling well, she had no energy, didn’t want to eat, didn’t enjoy things that used to make her happy.  So with heavy hearts we took her back to Mount Dora to say our goodbyes.

Sally chose to join Kim’s life 15 years ago.  When Kim found her she was a stray, with scars on her back suggestive of prior abuse.  She was wandering around Kim’s property, taking whatever scraps of food Kim would toss her, catching possums and other animals for food.   Kim was initially accepting of this arrangement, thinking she already had enough pets, until she saw Sally in danger across a four lane highway.  Kim then spent the next several days coaxing Sally, gradually winning her over, until she was able to get her close enough to catch her.  Kim eventually earned Sally’s trust and devotion.  Despite her past treatment, Sally was very gentle and sweet-natured.  She was still timid, but would gradually warm up to new people and let them pet her.   Since babyhood, she taught the kids how to treat an animal with gentleness, kindness, and respect, and in return she gave them so much love.




Aislin holding Sally, listening to     “Let her go” by Passenger

Sally and Zachary











Goodbye, Sally. We love you, we miss you, you will live on in our hearts and accompany us on our voyage in spirit.





  1. 🙁 Sally was such a sweetie. My heart goes out to all of you. ((((Hugs))))

  2. Above would be me 🙂

  3. That is so very sad…I know how much you love your animals. She lived a wonderful life with you all. Sending hugs… xoxoxoo

  4. So very sorry for your loss.

  5. I am so very, very sorry for your entire family’s loss. This is not an easy decision to make even when it is apparent there is no other choice. I am praying for each one of you.

  6. I’m sorry o hear about your sad good bye. Even though it’s a decision that is for their benefit, it’s one that weigh heavy on us.
    Sending all in the family a Peaceful hug to help bear this time.

    5-minute friend.

  7. Hugs to you, Kim, Ben and Aislin. Sally was one fortunate dog to have such a loving family.

  8. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for giving us all SALLY!!!! This lovely spirit being lives on so beautifully!! Comfort, healing, and SallyJoy to you each! Love, Ruth

  9. We are so sorry to hear about Sally 🙁 she was so loved!!

  10. I’m very sorry for your loss of Sally. I know how difficult that decision was. We had to say goodbye to our Lucie around this time last year 🙁

  11. Hi Dr Kelley, I just logged in and found out about your loss. My condolences to you and family for your loss.

  12. Tokyo Cowgirl & Wonton Lucy

    My sincerest condolences! I am sure Billie and Hemingway and playing with her right now! HUGS!

  13. Kerry, Molly and Ainsley

    This is the Homich clan, so sad to hear about Sally. Our hearts are heavy.

  14. Love you guys… thinking of you!

  15. I just want to say a heartfelt thank you to you all for your love and support. I was so incredibly blessed to have had Sally for so long. She taught me many things – forgiveness, trust and devotion. I have been fortunate enough in my life to have many wonderful animals. Sally was at the top of the list of the truly special ones. I miss her. I also feel her love, she’ll always be a part of me.

  16. I will miss seeing Sally when we visit. She was such a sweet, gentle dog.

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