Brunswick Landing Marina

HH034524 (1) There was an aerial kite photographer at the Brunswick Landing Marina and he took these photos. Our boat is the first one on the dock on the right hand side (you can see the green kayak).  If you look closely you can even see Brooke standing near the Starboard transom waiting for her kids to return. Trawler37

Here’s a view from our dock (Dock 11) towards Dock 15.  This picture was taken at sunset.
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Here’s a view from our dock (Dock 11) towards Dock 1.  The Marina is close to the old downtown area of Brunswick–you can see the brick buildings and church steeples.  If you look off to the distance you can see the Sidney Lanier Bridge.  It spans from Brunswick to Jekyll Island. It is 7,779 ft long with a clearance of 185 feet.  This bridge was built to accommodate large ships as the Port of Brunswick is the second busiest RO/RO (roll on roll off new car import) port in the nation.  The Atlantic Ocean is on the horizon.

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One Comment

  1. Very cool! Was hoping for a “comparo shot” of the mast’s, but alas…
    Beautiful pics…

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