June 13th, we left Brunswick for Savannah. Our friend, Benito, came along to help. Our autopilot was rebuilt had finally been mailed to us in Brunswick so we headed to Savannah to be installed. The seas were beautiful. Not enough of a breeze to sail so we had to motor the whole way. We went on the outside, North on the Atlantic Ocean, and had a nice 2 knot current helping us along our way. (When you only go 3.5 knots on engines a 2 knot current seems great.) We anchored overnight in the Wahoo River through Sapelo Sound, a beautiful deserted anchorage.
Benito set up our fishing poles en route and we trolled all the way to Sapelo sound. We had no live bait, just seeing if we could get lucky with lures. Benito and Ben fished for several hours while anchored, but still didn’t get a single bite.

Benito walking the bowsprit to fix the bridle, good thing he came along, Kim and I would have been in the water
Wahoo River was a safe, secluded anchorage. we had a small beach to take Brooke to shored, But as we approached the entire ground appeared to be moving. On closer inspection as we arrived the beach was COVERED in Fiddler Crabs. Fortunately they moved ran away from us, long enough to let Brooke do her business. She had such an urgency to go I don’t think she paid any mind to the fiddler crabs waving their claws at her.