While we stayed in Puerto Aventuras we rented a car and drove to see Chichen Itza. Fortunately, Google Maps works even in Yucatan Mexico and it was only about a two hour drive. We arrived early in the morning, before the park got too hot and sunny. We hired a guide once we got inside, for $1000 pesos he gave us a tour for about an hour and explained the architectural features and history of the place.
Back when I toured here in the late 80s they let us climb it, but they don’t allow people to climb the temple anymore. Now it is listed as a seventh wonder of the world, much more trafficked than it used to be.

I’m so glad we got there early before things got crazy. When we arrived, there were only 2 tour buses, when we left the parking lot was full.

When we left Chichen Itza we spent some time in a little town called Valladolid. It was mobbed, I guess with all the kids out for Christmas week everyone went shopping. There is an old church by a central park square.

And once again we found an amazing restaurant, El Meson de Marques. They had tables in a courtyard, decorated similar to the original Columbia Cuban restaurant in Ybor City, FL. There was a lady making corn tortillas as we entered, and mixed fresh guacamole table side.

When we left we tried to visit a Cenote (sinkhole water grotto type place) but the one we went to was closing so we just headed on back to Puerto Aventuras. Will have to do that another day.
I feel like this is just the start of our exploration, there are so many Mayan ruins and cenotes to see we will have to catch them on our way back.
Wow! What an adventure! You guys are amazing… Kim drove way to fast! Lol.
Aislin’s legs are longer than they were at my house. She is growing, too.
Kim is tired of slowly motoring with the boat! She made up for it in that rental car. 😄 Great adventure!