Jekyll Island


3 generations: Kim, Aislin, and Pink Pig

DSC00757Today we decided to take a day off.  Even though there are still projects to do, we decided to take a break from the norm, which would mean staying home and completing the projects, and actually take the day off and go have some fun.  We stayed up late last night playing Phase 10–until our eyes were bleary and everyone had the silly giggles. This morning the weather was crisp, cool, with clear blue skies. So with warm oatmeal in our bellies and trip adviser we took off to Jekyll Island.  We are so glad we did.  It was beautiful.  We went to driftwood beach and remembered how much we love to see the horizon on the ocean.  There were tidal pools amongst the rocks where the kids found jelly fish, hermit crabs, mussels, and all kinds of little fish. IMG_3937


Can you see Ben in this one?

Can you see Ben in this one?

Here he is!

Here he is!


We stopped by a great bookstore in the old Jekyll Island Infirmary building.  Kim bought me a cookbook titled Sherman Didn’t Burn Our Recipes.  I like to sit  and read cookbooks like novels, and this one is great.IMG_1881IMG_1882







I started having chest pain just reading the ingredients. Most of the recipes in this book can be made with a combination of such staples as canned cream of mushroom soup, cheez whiz,and ritz crackers. When in doubt add cream cheese, sour cream, or a stick of oleo.  I really loved the ones that gave instructions like my grandmother,  “sprinkle with a little garlic powder, a little brown sugar…bake for about 1 hour, remove cover and cook a little longer”.  No wonder I still can’t make biscuits like she did…for some reason the instructions of “mix it together and add milk until it feels right then cook until it looks done” doesn’t seem to work for me.

All you need is soup and crackers

All you need is soup, sour cream, butter, and Ritz crackers


No measurements or amounts listed









Then we went to the Georgia Sea Turtle Center which is a hospital for sea turtles for rehab and public education. It is well done there, we got to be there for one of the feedings of the turtles currently being treated as well as see turtles get IV fluids and tube feeds.  Worth the trip and nominal admission fee to know we were supporting such a worthy cause.

Afterwards we were starving and headed to find some real Georgia Sweet Shrimp and southern food.  We had an amazing meal at the Driftwood Bistro.


Grilled shrimp, Shrimp ‘N Grits, Fried green tomatoes YUM


Tuckered out from our day off, we went to bed feeling mentally refreshed, spiritually renewed, and ready to start tackling projects again tomorrow.


  1. Enjoyed your blog today; especially the pictures!! Keep them coming:-)
    Love, Auny Chris, Jane , and Guy

  2. The pictures are great, thanks for sharing.

  3. Oh… So the opossum is supposed to be demusked? That’s what I’ve been doing wrong all of these years!

  4. Love it. Miss you guys!

  5. Godspeed y’all!

  6. what a wonderful day at jekyll island.there is a lot to see and it is not overdeveloped.Great pictures.

  7. Hey guys…don’t turn your nose up at that poppy seed chicken recipe..if you don’t focus too much on the ingredients, it’s really pretty tasty. Of course, I don’t eat that way anymore but…just saying 😉

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